
Start Your Systems is a media organization centered around gaming and entertainment within the motorsports discipline. Whether you’re a gearhead or a gamer, we’re sure to have something you may like to see here at SYS.

Our history stems back to late 2014 when a couple of friends decided to coordinate efforts and began working on this project. Initially it started as a fun way to connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts, but it has since grown to be so much more. Read all about the history of Start Your Systems by clicking the logo to the right if you’re curious about our story.

Alongside the launch of our company, the founding of an organized race team came with it. The SYS Racing Team is a group of gamers that race within several different racing video games. The team started in MX Simulator but stretched out to multiple disciplines over the years and can be found in many different two- and four-wheeled racing games. Check out the team members bio while learning about the history of the team by clicking on the left image.

The newest project for us at Start Your Systems has been the launch of the SYS Community. Our amazing friends who support our program deserve to be heard, and we wanted to be the ones to make that happen. With the SYS Community, users can upload their gameplay videos, edits, and many other videos to our community channel. Each video will also be featured on the SYS Community page and one weekly video will make it to our main page as the SYS Community Video of the Week! Get all the information at our SYS Community page and join our amazing group by clicking the image on the right!

We also work very closely with other content creators to help broaden the scope of our reach as a brand and to support those creators alike. Surrounding ourselves with some of the best in the business is something we thoroughly enjoy and wouldn’t have it any other way. Be sure to check out our partners page by clicking the button below!